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How to Change the Settings on Your Project Zomboid Server

Looking to tweak your server's configuration? This guide will show you where you can locate your server's configuration files, how you can upload local settings to your server, and our recommended settings to check out!

Where to Adjust Your Settings in Nodecraft Pro

If you have not done so already, make sure to set a Server Name in the Game Settings tab. This setting determines the name of your server’s config files.

Our servers use the Linux OS, which often doesn't do well with spaces. The Server Name field corresponds with a world folder name. If you have spaces in the folder name or the config.ini file names, you may need to rename them to not have spaces.

Ex: Nodecraft Server to Nodecraft_Server

A view of Nodecraft Pro for a Project Zomboid server, setting the Server Name field to load the uploaded world

Once that is finished go to the /config/Server folder in Server Files. This folder contains all of your server config files. If it does not exist start the server at least once to generate the folder and files. Stop the server after if you want to edit your server configuration. Most of your settings can be edited in the .ini config file.

A view of Project Zomboid's server config.ini file location within Nodecraft Pro

Creating and Uploading Local Custom Settings

Many new users may feel overwhelmed by the number of options in the .ini and .lua files. Fortunately, Project Zomboid provides a way to easily generate settings for a local world which can then be uploaded to the server. This method would provide a UI to use instead of editing the file directly.

In the Main Menu of Project Zomboid click Host and then Manage Settings next to the Server name.

Project Zomboid Host Game screen highlighting Manage Settings

On the new menu, click Create New Settings and enter the same Server Name you set earlier in the Nodecraft Pro.

Project Zomboid Create New Settings screen

Select Next at the bottom of your screen, and a full interface for editing your desired settings will be shown.

Project Zomboid Edit Settings screen

Once you’ve completed your changes click Save at the bottom of the screen and your config files will be generated.

On the Manage Server Settings screen, you should see where these files will be saved too. Locate that folder on your PC.

Project Zomboid server settings screen highlighting where to locate the local config file

  • Windows: C:\Users\<username>\Zomboid\Server

  • Linux: ~/Zomboid/Server

Once you have found those you can now upload the files to your server in the /config/Server folder mentioned earlier. As long as your file names match the server name your setting will take effect.

Highlighted Server Settings

For your server to show on the public server list it is recommended to change and customize the following settings. The Project Zomboid server list does not update immediately and customizing the name and description helps others find your server.

  • Public - change to true

  • PublicName

  • PublicDescription

A view of the contents of Project Zomboid's config.ini file within Nodecraft Pro

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