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How to Quickly Find and Join Your Left 4 Dead Server

This article will show you how you can easily join your Left 4 Dead dedicated server.

Step one should be to make sure your server is started and online! The Nodecraft Control Panel's Start and Stop button. It also shows the status of the server's online state.

Locate the IP address or hostname of Your Server

Find the Hostname of your server at the top of your Instance page on your Nodecraft Control Panel. The top of the Nodepanel's Instance Page showing the hostname of the server

You can also use the numerical IP address of your Nodecraft Server near the bottom of the Overview page on the left hand side of your Panel. The Nodecraft Control Panel's Overview tab showing the Dedicated IP Address

Enable the Developer Console

In order to connect to your server from your Left 4 Dead client, make sure that the Developer Console is enabled. In your Left 4 Dead client, you can do so by going to the Options menu, then Keyboard/Mouse settings. The Options menu for the Left 4 Dead client Enabling the Developer Console for Left 4 Dead clients in the Keyboard/Mouse settings

Connect to your Server

To connect to your server, open the Developer Console in your game client using the tilde key ~ on your keyboard (typically found directly beneath the esc key). Then, use the connect command to enter your server, like so: connect server-address. In the example shown in the screenshots below, the command was: connect You will then be connected to your Left 4 Dead server! Using the connect command to connect to a Left 4 Dead server

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