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Tuning ARK Multiplier Settings on Nodecraft

The ARK dedicated server provides many different settings which allow for a variety of customization options. Editing these setting “Multipliers” can be a little tricky to learn at first. This article will give you a rundown of where to place your multiplier settings on a Nodecraft dedicated server, and our team’s recommended multiplier settings that you should check out!

Editing Your Multiplier Config Files

ARK has two main config files where multipliers can be edited. These will be located in the /ShooterGame/Saved/Config/LinuxServer directory.

Shows the FTP page for ARK server configs


The GameUserSettings.ini contains the base set of options for the server. Any lines with brackets, such as [ServerSettings], are considered headers. This is used in order to group similar settings together.

Shows an example of the gameusersetting.ini file

For a full list of settings and their description we recommend reading through the GameUserSettings.ini section of the ARK Wiki. Most settings unless otherwise stated need to be added on a line below the [ServerSettings] header for them to work.


The Game.ini will normally be empty by default with no settings included. Multiplier settings added here will offer more advanced modifications to the server.

Shows an example of the game.ini file

Before adding any multiplier settings make sure you add [/script/shootergame.shootergamemode] as a header. For the full list of settings we recommend reading through the Game.ini section of the ARK Wiki.

Now that you’ve got a grasp of where your config files are and how to research settings, where do you start? The ARK Dedicated Server Wiki can be a lot to go through at first, so below we’ve provided examples of some multiplier settings that you will find helpful.

The Nodepanel Game Settings

If you have a server with us check out the settings available through the Nodepanel UI in the Game Settings section! Most of the options here will edit multipliers and settings in the GameUserSettings.ini or directly on the command line.

Shows the game settings page for ARK

Baby Dino Multipliers

Here are multipliers related to baby maturing, breeding, egg hatching, etc.


As indicated by the header, these settings will need to be placed in your Game.ini

Player and Dino Stat Multipliers

Here are multipliers for increasing the stats of your players and dinosaurs such as health and stamina. PlayerBaseStatMultipliers will increase your players starting stats while PerLevelStatsMultiplier will increase the amount of stats changed each level. These will be placed in your Game.ini




<attribute> is a number between 0 and 11 which indicates which stat is being changed from the list below.

  • 0: Health

  • 1: Stamina / Charge Capacity

  • 2: Torpidity

  • 3: Oxygen / Charge Regeneration

  • 4: Food

  • 5: Water

  • 6: Temperature

  • 7: Weight

  • 8: Melee Damage Multiplier / Charge Emission Range

  • 9: Speed Multiplier

  • 10: Temperature Fortitude

  • 11: Crafting Speed Multiplier

<multiplier> is a floating point number which which is multiplied with the default stat value.

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