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FiveM Server Commands

Server commands, also known as console commands, allow you to control various aspects of your FiveM server directly from the in-game console or through your Nodecraft control panel. These commands help with server management, player moderation, and debugging, making them a valuable tool for admins and server owners.

The following list are commonly used commands. For a fully comprehensive list of all available commands, please refer to the official FiveM documentation.

Command Function Example Syntax
start Starts the resource specified in the argument, if it was stopped. It is also possible to specify a category name, such as [cars]. start lambda-menu OR start [cars]
stop Stops the resource specified in the argument, if it was started. It is also possible to specify a category name. stop mymode
ensure Restarts the resource specified in the argument, if it was started. If it wasn't, starts the resource specified in the argument. As with start and stop, one can also specify a category name. ensure my-testing-resource
restart Restarts the resource specified in the argument, if it was started. Also supports category names. restart lambda-menu
refresh Rescans the resources folder and loads all resource manifests in them, also making new resources available to start. refresh
exec Runs the commands specified in the filename, relative to the server data directory, or any resource name specified with @. exec server_nested.cfg OR exec @vMenu/config/permissions.cfg
quit Exits the server, sending a default quit message to all connected players. A custom message can also be specified. quit OR quit "Restarting in 5 minutes!"
status Shows a list of players with their primary identifier, server ID, name, endpoint, and ping. status
clientkick Kicks the client with the specified server ID (as seen in status) from the server, for the stated reason. clientkick 43 You've broken a rule!
say Sends a message in the chat as console. say Hello, world!
svgui Opens or closes the server debug GUI. svgui
gamename Defines the game to run the server for. Options include: gta4, gta5, rdr3 FXServer.exe +set gamename gta5
sv_maxClients A variable that specifies the maximum amount of clients that the server can normally have, as an integer from 1 to 2048. sv_maxClients 16
load_server_icon A console command which loads a specified icon and sets it as the server icon. The icon needs to be a 96x96 PNG file. load_server_icon "my-server.png"

How to Use Server Commands

There are two primary ways to enter server commands in FiveM: through the in-game console or the Nodecraft control panel.

Using the In-Game Console

  1. Press F8 while in-game to open the console.

  2. Type the desired command in the input field.

  3. Press Enter to send the command.

Using the Nodecraft Control Panel

  1. Log in to the Nodecraft control panel for your FiveM server.

  2. Click on Console located on the left-hand sidebar.

  3. Type the command in the field at the bottom of the console.

  4. Press Enter to send the command.

The Nodecraft Pro panel showcasing the console.Note: Commands entered through the control panel console apply directly to the server, even if you are not logged into the game.

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