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How to Install Minecraft Mods on Your Server

Minecraft mods can completely transform your Minecraft game, offering new features, tools, and even entire worlds to explore. Whether you’re crafting your own modpack or installing specific Minecraft mods, this tutorial will guide you through the process of adding mods to your Minecraft server using Nodecraft's Pro Panel. We’ll cover how to install a mod framework like Forge or Fabric, upload your favorite mods, and ensure everything runs smoothly.

Note: We recommend to fully stop your Minecraft server before making any edits or config changes! 

Installing a Mod Framework (Forge or Fabric)

Before you can add Minecraft server mods, you need to install a mod framework. The most popular frameworks for Minecraft server modding are Forge and Fabric.

Choose Your Mod Framework

  • Forge: The best option if you're looking for a largest variety of Minecraft mods and modpacks.

  • Fabric: Lightweight and ideal for newer Minecraft mods and those that require better performance or customization. 

Install Forge or Fabric via Nodecraft Pro Panel

  1. Log in to your Nodecraft account and navigate to your Minecraft server's Pro Panel.

  2. On the left-hand side, click on One Click Installer.

  3. You will see options for Forge and Fabric under the Modded Frameworks section. 

  4. Select Forge, Fabric, or any other preferred option. 

  5. Choose the version you wish to install to your server. Make sure the version matches your Minecraft Java Edition version! 

  6. Click Install and wait for the installation process to complete. 

One Click Installer interface showing Forge and Fabric options

Downloading Minecraft Mods

Now that you have a mod framework installed, it's time to download the Minecraft mods that you want to install!

Note: Make sure that any mod you download is compatible with the mod framework (Forge or Fabric) and the Minecraft version you installed.

Finding Minecraft Mods

  • Visit trusted Minecraft mod websites like CurseForge or Modrinth.

  • Use the search function to find compatible Minecraft mods. 

  • Download the mods by saving the .jar file(s) to your computer. If the download is a ZIP file, you will need to unzip the file to retrieve the JAR file. 

Example mods page on Modrinth.

Uploading Minecraft Mods

With your selection of Minecraft mods downloaded, it's now time to upload them to your Minecraft server! 

  1. Navigate back to the Nodecraft Pro Panel for your Minecraft server.

  2. Go to the Server Files tab on the left-hand side.

  3. Open the mods folder. If this folder does not exist yet, you can create it manually or start the server once Forge or Fabric are installed. When your server successfully starts, the mods folder will be generated automatically. 

Server Files interface with the mods folder highlighted4. Once you're in the mods folder, click Upload. 

5. Drag and drop the mods .jar files into the upload window or click to select them from your computer.

6. Once the upload is complete, the mods will appear within the mods folder.

Upload interface showing files being uploaded to the mods folderAfter you've successfully uploaded your Minecraft mods to your server, you will need to restart your server for the changes to take effect. This can be completed from the Overview page in the Nodecraft Pro Panel. 

Your newly modded Minecraft server will now start with the installed mods. It's almost time to join your server and start playing with all of the new features. First, let's verify the mods are working before inviting your friends for modded multiplayer! 

Server Overview page with Stop and Start buttons

Verify Your Mods Are Working

When your server is fully online, it is time to try connecting. 

  1. Ensure that you've installed the Mincraft mods into your own game files. 

  2. Launch your Minecraft game from the launcher you've chosen to use. Keep in mind that specific Minecraft modpacks will utilize specific Minecraft launchers, by default. 

  3. Join your server using the correct version of Minecraft Java Edition. This will be the same version as your installed mods. 

  4. Check whether the mods are active by using any new features or commands. Be sure to choose a proper mod to test as certain mods, such as client-side Minecraft mods, will not have an impact on server world generation or game features! 

If everything is set up correctly, the new features should appear in your Minecraft game!

Troubleshooting Common Issues

Even with careful installation, issues can sometimes occur. Here are a few troubleshooting tips:

Server Crashes on Startup

  • Cause: This is typically caused by an incompatible mod or missing dependency.

  • Solution: Be sure that all Minecraft mods are compatible with your Minecraft Java Edition version and mod framework (Forge or Fabric) and that any required dependencies are also installed. 

Mods Are Not Loading on the Server

  • Cause: The mods may be installed into the incorrect folder, the server was not restarted after the installation, there are missing dependencies, or the mods are not compatible.

  • Solution: It is recommended to double check all aspects of installation as well as check the console for mod related errors.

Server Won't Start After Adding a New Mod

  • Cause: The newly added mod may be corrupted or incompatible with other installed mods. The mod may also be a client-side only mod.

  • Solution: Remove the last mod you added and try restarting the server. If the server starts, the issue lies with that specific mod. You may need to find an alternative version of the mod or a different mod altogether.

Players Can't Join the Server

  • Cause: Players need to have the same mods installed on their Minecraft launcher as those on the server.

  • Solution: Make sure all players have the same Minecraft mods and config files in their mods folder and are using the correct version of Minecraft. If you're using a modpack that uses a specific Minecraft launcher, ensure that all players are using that Minecraft launcher

Missing Mods Folder

  • Cause: The mods folder isn’t created.

  • Solution: Start the server with Forge or Fabric installed, then stop the server. The mods folder should now appear in the Server Files.


Adding Minecraft mods to your Minecraft server can take your gameplay to the next level, whether you’re exploring new worlds, enhancing performance, or just having fun with friends. With Nodecraft’s easy-to-use panel, setting up a modded server is straightforward, and this guide should help you get started without a hitch.

If you happen to run into any bumps along the way, there is no need to worry. Refer back to the troubleshooting section of this guide or reach out to Nodecraft's Customer Support team for help! Now, get ready to dive into your own custom made modded Minecraft server and let your creativity flow! 

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