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How to Setup txAdmin for RedM

Getting your RedM server up and running with txAdmin is a straightforward process when using the Nodecraft panel. txAdmin offers a feature-packed web interface that simplifies server setup, management, and monitoring. This guide will take you through the steps needed to setup txAdmin with your Nodecraft RedM server.

🛑If you haven't enabled txAdmin on your server yet, follow the steps here before proceeding! It's important to understand that enabling txAdmin will override and disable Nodecraft's configuration options within the control panel.

Obtain Your License Key

Note: If you do not already have a license key, follow our guide here to generate one.

  1. Navigate to the Login Page located here:

  2. Click the Sign In With button.

  3. Click on the Servers tab at the top of the page.

  4. Within the Server Registration Keys section, locate the key you'd like to use for your server.

  5. Click the Copy button within the Actions to the right of the listing.

Authorize Access for txAdmin

  1. Start your Nodecraft RedM server.

  2. Navigate to the Console tab on your Nodecraft control panel.

  3. The console will display a txAdmin Web Panel link and a PIN if enabled correctly.

    RedM console on Nodecraft panel

  4. Open the provided link in your browser and enter the PIN to link the server.

  5. Log in with your account and grant txAdmin the necessary permissions.

    A dialog box for authorizing txAdmin through, displaying the username currently signed in and a

Initial txAdmin Setup

After successful authorization, you will be guided through the txAdmin setup wizard. Provide the following information:

  • Server Name: Enter the name you want displayed in the server list.

  • Deployment Type: Select the appropriate option:

    • Popular Recipes (recommended): Use a pre-configured template such as CFX Default RedM, ESX Legacy, or QBCore.

    • Custom or Advanced Options: Choose this if you want to configure the server manually.

      Shows the recipe deployment type for a RedM server

Select a Server Template

Choose the appropriate server template to deploy the core server resources based on your needs. Popular options include:

  • CFX Default RedM: A basic configuration to get started.

  • ESX Legacy: A roleplay server template.

  • QBCore Framework: For an advanced roleplay experience.

Note: VORP Core is for RedM servers only!

Shows the template option for RedM

Review and Run the Recipe

After selecting a template, txAdmin will present a recipe file containing the tasks and resources it will install.

  1. Review the recipe to ensure it meets your requirements.

  2. Click Next to proceed to the next steps in the recipe.

    Shows the recipe config for RedM

  3. For Step 2 of this, you'll want to use the License Key that you obtained earlier during this setup.

    Shows the license key input for RedM

Configure the server.cfg File

After running the recipe, you will be prompted to configure the server.cfg file. This file defines key server settings.

  • sv_hostname: The name displayed in the RedM server list.

  • sv_licenseKey: Ensure your license key is correctly entered.

  • sv_maxclients: Set the maximum number of players.

  • Admin and role configurations: Add server administrators or permissions.

Here is an example configuration!

Shows the server.cfg default example for RedM Once you're happy with your configuration settings, click Save & Run Server

Monitor the Server Console

After saving the configuration, the server will start automatically. The Live Console will display the startup process and logs, allowing you to monitor resource loading and server status.

  • Look for messages confirming that the license key was authenticated, and resources were loaded successfully.

  • The final output should indicate the server is online and ready to accept connections.

    Shows the txadmin console for RedM

Managing Your Server

Once the server is running, you can return to the txAdmin Dashboard to manage server resources, monitor player activity, and adjust configurations and permissions as needed.


Your RedM server is now online, configured, and ready to go. From the txAdmin Dashboard, you can manage player activity, add or remove resources, and adjust server settings as needed. Make sure to keep your server updated to ensure optimal performance.

For more customization, check out RedM documentation or the official txAdmin guide.

Need Help?

If you have questions or run into any issues, our support team is here to help! Reach out using the support widget on our website or visit our support center for further assistance.

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