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RedM Player Slot Limitations

You may be looking at this article title and thinking to yourself, "But wait, I thought Nodecraft doesn't do player slots?" In which case, you would be absolutely correct! However, sometimes a game we host will have slot limitations built in. In this particular case, RedM does. So, let's get into what that means!

What are RedM Player Slots?

Simply put, this dictates how many players are allowed to be on a RedM server. It starts at a minimum of 1 and goes up to a maximum of 2048. This hardcap has risen gradually over the years, and if it ever changes again, we'll be sure to keep this updated!

What are the Limitations?

These limitations won't kick in for the vast majority of casual players, but for those who want to build large community or RP servers, they are something to keep in mind.

  • 1-32 Players: Nothing extra required. This is the default!

  • 33-48 Players: The OneSync setting must be enabled on the server. Here at Nodecraft, it will be enabled already when you purchase a server with us.

  • 48+ Players: This will require both the OneSync setting enabled and a subscription to Rockstar's Element Club.

The Element Club has four tiers:

  • Free: allows up to 48 players.

  • Argentum: allows up to 64 players.

  • Arum: allows up to 128 players.

  • Platinum: allows up to 2048 players.

You can purchase an Element Club subscription via the Cfx.Re Portal.

But WHY?

This is a requirement set by Rockstar, not Nodecraft. There are some very valid reasons to it, as well. Without going into a whole lot of technobabble, it boils down to the fact it takes a tremendous amount of resources to run servers with upwards of 2000 people concurrently. Just think about how many of those massive servers there are running all around the world, many of them 24/7, too! It's also worth keeping in mind that this level of multiplayer modification has taken some truly genius feats of coding, which has to be maintained.

Have More Questions?

Then hit us up for a chat from the support page! We'll be more than happy to help out!

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