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Support / Terraria / How to Quickly Join Your Terraria Server

How to Quickly Join Your Terraria Server

Start Terraria on Steam

Start the game on Steam, and wait for the title screen to appear.

Click "Multiplayer" on the title screen for Terraria

A view of the main in-game menu for Terraria, with the Multiplayer button highlighted

Click "Join via IP"

A view of the

Select your Player Character

On the following screen, create a new character or select one of your existing characters.

As soon as you select a character, it will go to the next screen.

Enter IP address of your Server

A view of the title screen menus for the game Terraria, showing entering an IP address for a multiplayer server.

Enter the IP address for your server where the blinking cursor bar appears. The IP for your server will be shown on the Overview tab of the Nodecraft control panel, below all the graphs displaying CPU and RAM usage.

If you have previously entered an IP address on this screen, it will be shown directly below the blinking cursor bar, in gray text. You can click on any of those links to go straight to that server (as long as that server is actually running).

Confirm Port Number

On the next screen, it will ask you to confirm the port number. The default port used is 7777, and if you have not changed it to something else, simply click Accept.

A view of the Server Port field for Terraria using the join via IP method

The screen will show "Connecting to," followed by the IP address, and you be connected to the server!

You'll appear in the game, and now it's time to run from the slimes!

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