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How to Add Custom Maps to Your OBEY Dedicated Server

For both the robot and the bunnies, the map being played on the server is very important for determining one's strategy so that one can earn the most money. While Vanilla maps are great for starting out, the OBEY community has created a ton of custom maps that change the entire experience. This article will give the steps of adding custom maps to your dedicated server for OBEY from the Steam Workshop.

Subscribe to the Map in the Steam Workshop

Before you can add a map to the server you will need to choose a map we want.

  • Go to the Steam Workshop for OBEY and choose a map. Once you have one make sure to Subscribe to it.

  • For this article we will be choosing a map called Sky Islands.

Sky Islands on Steam Workshop

Find the Map File

Now that you've subscribed to the map, the map will be downloaded to your computer. It will be located where mods from the Workshop are installed.

  • On Windows this is usually located at the following directory, but will vary depending on your Steam installation location.

    • C:/Program Files (x86)/Steam/steamapps/workshop/content

  • The ID for OBEY is 346970. Select this folder and you'll see the different mod ids of Workshop items you've installed for OBEY.

OBEY Workshop Folder

  • Open your Workshop folder for the map you just added. For the custom map you'll see a .tmx file

Sky Islands File

Upload the Map to the Server

Now that you have the file, you simply need to upload it to the server.

  • In your File Manager, go to the folder/directory: /Levels. This directory holds all the maps for your OBEY server.

OBEY Levels Directory

  • Upload the custom map file to the server into the /Levels folder. You can use Drag and Drop, or connect to the server with FTP to upload the file.

Adjust Your Map Cycle Config

Before we can jump into game, we need to edit our Map Cycle to use the custom map.

  • Go to the Main Directory in your File Manager.

  • Select and Edit the serverSettings.txt . This is the main configuration file for OBEY.

OBEY Edit serverSettings.txt

  • Find the line labeled as map=, usually line 10 on a default server configuration

OBEYs serverSettings.txt MapCycle

  • Add the name of the custom map file to this list of maps.

  • For example, the name of the Sky Islands custom map file is skyislands.tmx, so we'll be changing the line in the config file to be:

    • map=skyislands,ozone,cornered,zoneOne,minerals,zoneFar,doublel,airstrip,tributary

  • Once you're finished make sure to save the serverSettings.txt.

You have now added a custom map to the server! You and your players can now join the server and play on that map whenever its up and online.

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