PixARK Creatures (Class name and tag)
Listed below are the available creatures within PixARK including their classname and tag. These can be used with the summon
admin cheat command. See the related article for further information.
Creature | Class Name | Tag |
Ancient Lotus | cwLotusCharacterBPC | Lotus |
Angler | cwAnglerfishCharacterBPC | Angler |
Angler (Ruins) | cwAnglerfishCharacterBPRelic_C | Angler |
Ankylo | cwAnkyloCharacterBPC | Anky |
Argentavis | cwArgentavisCharacterBPC | Argent |
Armadillo | cwArmadilloCharacterBPC | Armadillo |
Baby Treant | cwTreantBabyCharacterBPC | TreantBaby |
Beelzebufo | cwToadCharacterBPC | Toad |
Behemoth | cwBehemothCharacterBPC | Behemoth |
Big-Ear Rabbit | cwRabbitCharacterBPC | Rabbit |
Carbonemys | cwTurtleCharacterBPC | Turtle |
Carnotaurus | cwCarnoCharacterBPC | Carno |
Centaur | cwCentaurCharacterBPC | Centaur |
Chomper | cwChomperCharacterBPC | Chomper |
Coelacanth | cwCoelacanthCharacterBPC | Coel |
Compy | cwCompyCharacterBPC | Compy |
Coyote | cwCoyoteCharacterBPC | Coyote |
Coyote (Ruins) | cwCoyoteCharacterBPRelic_C | Coyote |
Cyclops | cwCyclopsCharacterBPC | Cyclops |
Death Lord | cwThanatosCharacterBPC | Thanatos |
Death Lord’s Soul Reaper | cwDeathCharacterSummonC | Death |
Dilophosaurus | cwDilophosaurusCharacterBPC | Dilo |
Dilophosaurus (Ruins) | cwDilophosaurusCharacterBPRelic_C | Dilo |
Direwolf | cwDirewolfCharacterBPC | Direwolf |
Dodo | cwDodoCharacterBPC | Dodo |
Doedicurus | cwDoedicurusCharacterBPC | Doed |
Dragonfly | cwDragonflyCharacterBPC | Dragonfly |
Dungbeetle | cwDungbeetleCharacterBPC | Beetle |
Dungbeetle (Ruins) | cwDungbeetleCharacterBPRelic_C | Beetle |
Elemental Golem | cwElementgolemCharacterBPC | Elementgolem |
Elemental Spirit | cwElementelfCharacterBPC | Elementelf |
Elemental Spirit | cwElementelfCharacterBPTamed_C | Elementelf |
Elemental Spirit (Ruins) | cwElementelfCharacterBPRelic_C | Elementelf |
Elite Emperor Scorpion (Ruins) | cwScorpionCharacterBPRelicMegaC | Scorpion |
Elite Ice Elemental (Ruins) | cwIceelementCharacterBPRelicMegaC | Ice Element |
Elite Onyc (Ruins) | cwBatCharacterBPRelicMegaC | Bat |
Elite Skeleton (Ruins) | cwSkeletonCharacterBPRelicMegaC | Skeleton |
Elite Toxic Zombie (Ruins) | cwZombieCharacterBPRelicMegaC | Zombie |
Emperor Scorpion | cwScorpionCharacterBPC | Scorpion |
Emperor Scorpion (Ruins) | cwScorpionCharacterBPRelic_C | Scorpion |
Fairy Dragon | cwFaeriedragonCharacterBPC | Faeriedragon |
Felhunter | cwFelhunterCharacterBPC | Felhunter |
Fire Elemental | cwFireelementCharacterBPC | Fireelement |
Fire Elemental | cwFireelementCharacterBPTamed_C | Fireelement |
Fire Spider | cwFirespiderCharacterBPC | FireSpider |
Firefly | cwFireflyCharacterBPC | Firefly |
Flame Demon | cwBalrogCharacterBPC | Balrog |
Flame Dragon | cwLoongCharacterBPC | Loong |
Fungus Beast | cwFungusbeastCharacterBPC | Fungusbeast |
Gargoyle | cwGargoyleCharacterBPC | Gargoyle |
Gem Spider | cwGemspiderCharacterBPC | GemSpider |
Gem Spider (Ruins) | cwGemspiderCharacterBPRelic_C | GemSpider |
Ghost Dragon | cwWyvernghostCharacterBPC | Wyvernghost |
Giant Claw Mole | cwMoleCharacterBPC | Mole |
Gigantopithecus | cwBigfootCharacterBPC | Bigfoot |
Goblin | cwGoblinCharacterBPC | Goblin |
Goblin King | cwGoblinKingCharacterBPC | Goblin King |
Green Vine | cwIvyCharacterBPC | Ivy |
Gryphon | cwGriffinCharacterBPC | Griffin |
Hippocampus | cwHippocampusCharacterBPC | Hippocampus |
Hippocampus (Ruins) | cwHippocampusCharacterBPRelicMegaC | Hippocampus |
Ice Elemental | cwIceelementCharacterBPC | Ice Element |
Ice Elemental | cwIceelementCharacterBPTamed_C | Ice Element |
Ice Fairy (Ruins) | cwElementelfCharacterBPRelicBossC | Elementelf |
Icebear | cwIcebearCharacterBPC | Icebear |
Icebear (Ruins) | cwIcebearCharacterBPRelic_C | Icebear |
Ichthyosaurus | cwDolphinCharacterBPC | Dolphin |
Icicle Dragon | cwIcicledinosaurCharacterBPC | Icicledinosaur |
Iciclesaur (Ruins) | cwIcicledinosaurCharacterBPRelic_C | Icicledinosaur |
Kong | cwKingkongCharacterBPC | King Kong |
Large Muscipula | cwMuscipulaCharacterBPC | Muscipula |
Large Sea Slime (Ruins) | cwSeaslimeCharacterBPRelicBossC | Slime |
Manta | cwMantaCharacterBPC | Manta |
Manta Platform Saddle | cwAnimalPlatformDinoMantaC | Manta |
Medium Sea Slime (Ruins) | cwSeaslimeCharacterBPRelicBossSummon1_C | Slime |
Megalodon | cwMegalodonCharacterBPC | Mega |
Megapiranha | cwPiranhaCharacterBPC | Piranha |
Megapiranha (Ruins) | cwPiranhaCharacterBPRelic_C | Piranha |
Megarock Dragon | cwRockdinosaurCharacterBPC | Rockdinosaur |
Minotaur | cwMinotaurCharacterBPC | Minotaur |
Mummy (Ruins) | cwMummyCharacterBPRelic_C | Mummy |
Mummy King (Ruins) | cwMummyCharacterBPRelicBossC | Mummy |
Mushroom | cwMushroomCharacterBPC | Mushroom |
Nepenthes | cwNepenthalesCharacterBPC | Nepenthales |
Onyc | cwBatCharacterBPC | Bat |
Oviraptor | cwOviraptorCharacterBPC | Ovi |
Pachy | cwPachyCharacterBPC | Pachy |
Panda | cwPandaCharacterBPC | Panda |
Paracer | cwParaceratheriumCharacterBPC | Paracer |
Paracer Platform Saddle | cwAnimalPlatformDinoParaceratheriumC | Paracer |
Parasaur | cwParaCharacterBPC | Para |
Pegasus | cwPegasusCharacterBPC | Pegasus |
Petroleum Slime | cwOilSlimeCharacterBPC | Oil Slime |
Phiomia | cwPhiomiaCharacterBPC | Phiomia |
Plague Zombie | cwPlagueZombieCharacterBPC | PlagueZombie |
Plague Zombie | cwPlagueZombieCharacterBPSummon_C | PlagueZombie |
Plague Zombie (Ruins) | cwPlagueZombieCharacterBPRelic_C | PlagueZombie |
Procoptodon | cwProcoptodonCharacterBPC | Procoptodon |
Pteranodon | cwPteroCharacterBPC | Ptera |
Puffer | cwPufferCharacterBPC | Puffer |
Quetzal | cwQuetzalcoatiusCharacterBPC | Quetz |
Quetzal Platform Saddle | cwAnimalPlatformDinoQuetzalcoatiusC | Quetz |
Raptor | cwRaptorCharacterBPC | Raptor |
Sarco | cwSarcoCharacterBPC | Sarco |
Sauropod | cwSauropodCharacterBPC | Bronto |
Sauropod Platform Saddle | cwAnimalPlatformDinoSauropodC | Bronto |
Shadow Leopard | cwLeopardCharacterBPC | Leopard |
Skeleton | cwSkeletonCharacterBPC | Skeleton |
Skeleton | cwSkeletonCharacterBPSummon_C | Zombie |
Skeleton (Ruins) | cwSkeletonCharacterBPRelic_C | Skeleton |
Skeleton Thrower (Ruins) | cwSkeletonShotCharacterBPRelic_C | Skeleton |
Slime | cwSlimeCharacterBPC | Slime |
Slime (Ruins) | cwSeaslimeCharacterBPRelic_C | Slime |
Small Sea Slime (Ruins) | cwSeaslimeCharacterBPRelicBossSummon2_C | Slime |
Soul Reaper | cwDeathCharacterBPC | Death |
Specter | cwGhostCharacterBPC | Ghost |
Specter Wolf | cwGhostwolfCharacterBPC | Ghostwolf |
Sporeshroom | cwSporeMushroomsCharacterBPC | SporeMushrooms |
Stegosaurus | cwStegoCharacterBPC | Stego |
T. Rex | cwRexCharacterBPC | Rex |
Terror Bird | cwTerrorBirdCharacterBPC | TerrorBird |
Thorny Boar | cwWildboarCharacterBPC | Thorns Boar |
Titanomyrma Drone | cwAntCharacterBPC | Ant |
Titanomyrma Drone (Ruins) | cwAntCharacterBPRelic_C | Ant |
Titanomyrma Soldier | cwAnt1CharacterBPC | Ant |
Titanomyrma Soldier (Ruins) | cwAnt1CharacterBPRelic_C | Ant |
Trapa | cwMagictrapaCharacterBPC | Magictrapa |
Treant | cwTreantCharacterBPC | Treant |
Triceratops | cwTrikeCharacterBPC | Trike |
Werewolf | cwWerewolfCharacterBPC | Werewolf |
Werewolf | cwWerewolfCharacterTransfigurationC | Werewolf |
Werewolf (Ruins) | cwWerewolfCharacterBPRelic_C | Werewolf |
Zombie | cwZombieCharacterBPC | Zombie |
Zombie | cwZombieCharacterBPSummon_C | Zombie |
Zombie (Ruins) | cwZombieCharacterBPRelic_C | Zombie |