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Adding A Password To Your Don't Starve Together Server

This article with show you how you can add a password to your Don't Starve Together server.

Add via Nodecraft Pro

On the "Game Settings" page of your control panel, add a password you'd like to use in the "Server Password" text box field.

A view of a Don't Starve Together's Nodecraft Pro panel showcasing the Server Password field

Remember to Save your changes and Restart your server!

Add via Cluster.ini File

If you don't have access to Nodecraft Pro, you'll need to add your password to the cluster.ini file. This file is located in /.klei/DoNotStarveTogether/MyDediServer. Under the [Network] header in this file, you'll add your password into the cluster_password= .

A view of the cluster.ini file with the password setting highlighted for Don't Starve Together within Nodecraft Pro

Save your changes and give your server a good Restart and your server will be password protected!

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