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PixARK Server Settings

PixARK offers almost endless configuration of game mechanics, server settings, and more!

There are multiple ways to configure PixARK, including startup arguments, world config files, game config files, and beyond. Startup arguments are always overriden by any config files.

Required Startup Query Arguments

Argument Description
?MaxPlayers={players} Sets the max players allowed on the server
?SessionName={name} Sets the server name that appears on the in-game server browser
?Port={port} Sets the server port
?QueryPort={queryPort} Sets the server query port
?RCONPort={rconPort} Sets the server RCON port
?ServerPassword={ServerPassword} Sets the server password. Omit if you want the server to be publicly accessible
?ServerAdminPassword={adminPassword} Sets the server admin password. This must be used in-game if you want to use cheats or other commands
?CULTUREFORCOOKING={lang} Sets the game language

Many of these options are available for one-click configuration under the "Game Settings" section within NodePanel.

Additional options for Private Servers


Other configs

There are many other configuration options available in the /ShooterGame/Saved/Config/WindowsServer/ directory as well as the /ShooterGame/Saved/CubeServers/CubeWorld_Light/world/ directory.


Setting Default Value Description
DayTimeSpeedScale 1 Day Time Speed. A value of 1 equates to ~25.71 minutes
NightTimeSpeedScale 1 Night Time Speed in Minutes. A value of 1 equates to ~25.71 minutes
DayCycleSpeedScale 1 Day Cycle in Minutes. A value of 1 equates to ~51.42 minutes
DifficultyOffset 0 Difficulty. This value controls how many things in the game scale, including dino/player levels
XPMultiplier 1 XP Multiplier
AllowThirdPersonPlayer True Third Person View
ShowMapPlayerLocation True Show Player Position on Map
NoNeedReset True Need no Reset
DisableStructureDecayPvE True Disable Structure Decay PvE
DisableDinoDecayPvE True Disable Dino Decay PvE
bAllowFlyerCarryPvE True Flyer Carry PvE
ListenServerTetherDistanceMultiplier 1 Listen Server Tether Distance Multi
GlobalVoiceChat False Global Voice Chat
ProximityChat False Proximity Chat
NoTributeDownloads False No Tribute Downloads
AlwaysNotifyPlayerLeft False Always Notify Player Left
DontAlwaysNotifyPlayerJoined False Don't Always Notify Player Joined
ServerHardcore False Hardcore Server
ServerForceNoHUD False Server Force No HUD
EnablePvPGamme False Enable PvP Gamma
OnGodMode False God Mode
ActiveMods empty Active Mods
ActiveMapMod 0 Active Map Mod
RCONPort 27020 RCON Port
RCONEnabled false Determines whether RCON is enabled or not
StructurePreventResourceRadiusMultiplier 1 Structure Prevent Resource Radius Multi
ResourceDropQuantityMultiplier 1 Resource Drop Quantity Multi
ResourceRefreshPeriodMultiplier 1 Resource Refresh Period Multi
BlueprintTimeToCraftMultiplier 1 Blueprint Time to Craft Multi
TimeForFullRepairMultiplier 1 Time for Full Repair Multi
RaidDinoCharacterFoodDrainMultiplier 1 Raid Dino Food Drain Multi
PvEDinoDecayPeriodMultiplier 1 PvE Dino Decay Period Multi
KickIdlePlayersPeriod 3600 Kick Idle Player Period in Seconds
PerPlatformMaxStructuresMultiplier 1 Max Structures per Platform Multi
AutoSavePeriodMinutes 15 Auto Save Period In Minutes
MaxTamedDinos 5000 Total Max Tamed Dinos
MaxPersonalTamedDinos 25 Total Max Personal Tamed Dinos
RCONServerGameLogBuffer 600 RCON Server Game Log Buffer
HitMarkers True Show Hit Markers
ShowFloatingDamageText False Show Hit Damage Markers
ServerPVE False Controls server PVE. Set to true for creative, or false for Fury (survival)
ServerCrosshair True Show Crosshair
NewMaxStructuresInRange 6000 New Max Structures in Range
DinoDamageMultiplier 1 Dino Damage Multiplier
PlayerDamageMultiplier 1 Player Damage Multiplier
StructureDamageMultiplier 1 Structure Damage Multiplier
PlayerResistanceMultiplier 1 Player Resistance Multiplier
DinoResistanceMultiplier 1 Dino Resistance Multiplier
StructureResistanceMultiplier 1 Structure Resistance Multiplier
TamingSpeedMultiplier 1 Taming Speed Multiplier
HarvestAmountMultiplier 1 Harvest Amount Multiplier
PlayerCharacterWaterDrainMultiplier 1 Player Water Drain Multiplier
PlayerCharacterFoodDrainMultiplier 1 Player Food Drain Multiplier
PlayerCharacterStaminaDrainMultiplier 1 Player Stamina Drain Multiplier
DinoCharacterFoodDrainMultiplier 1 Dino Food Drain Multiplier
DinoCharacterStaminaDrainMultiplier 1 Dino Stamina Drain Multiplier
PlayerCharacterHealthRecoveryMultiplier 1 Player Health Recovery Multiplier
DinoCharacterHealthRecoveryMultiplier 1 Dino Health Recovery Multiplier
HarvestHealthMultiplier 1 Harvest Health Multiplier
PvEStructureDecayPeriodMultiplier 1 PVE Structure Decay Period Multiplier
ResourcesRespawnPeriodMultiplier 33.3333 Resources Respawn Period Multiplier

For ease of use, we offer a great configuration UI for many of these configuration options with our high quality, one click PixARK server hosting within NodePanel. Check out our PixARK server hosting page for more information. Nodecraft Pixark

As PixARK is in Early Access, more information about configuration options is being uncovered daily. Further documentation for these will be coming soon.

For easy deployment and setup of your own PixARK server, we recommend our PixARK Server Hosting.

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