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Join Palworld Server via hostname

Having trouble joining your Palworld server via a DNS hostname? You aren't alone. As of the initial launch of Palworld's Early Access launch on January 19th, 2024, it appears the game does not natively support the ability to use anything outside of your server's IP address and port.

Will Palworld Support Hostnames?

It's uncertain if the Pocketpair team will add support for DNS hostnames in future updates of Palworld. Nodecraft has reached out to the PocketPair team in hopes to get this fixed for a future update of Palworld.

Get a Dedicated IP address with Nodecraft

When you host your Palworld Server at Nodecraft, you can always use the default port and feel confident knowing your server has a dedicated IP address that isn't shared with other servers.

Joining Your Nodecraft Palworld Server

Once you have a Palworld Nodecraft instance deployed and the server has been started, you'll be able to connect to your own world. Your dedicated IP address will be located on the Overview tab of your server panel. Copy this IP address and start up the game.

Shows the Palworld Overview panel page with Dedicated IP Address highlightedIn the Main Menu, click Join Multiplayer Game

Palworld Main Menu highlighting where to join dedicated serverPaste your IP address along with the port into the text box on the bottom of the interface. Make sure to include the port :8211 when connecting.

Palworld Server List Direct connect exampleOnce you've successfully connected, character creation begins!

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