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Changing Settings for an Enshrouded Server

In this guide, we'll walk you through the steps required to change the settings for your Enshrouded game server hosted through Nodecraft. Modifying your server’s settings allows you to customize gameplay aspects like player health, stamina, world behaviors, and more. This can enhance your gaming experience and tailor the game environment to your liking.

We'll be editing the enshrouded_server.json file, which contains the core configuration for your server. Make sure your server is stopped before making changes to avoid any issues when saving.

Step 1: Access Your Nodecraft Pro Panel

  1. Log in to your Nodecraft Control Panel using your credentials.

  2. From your main dashboard, select your Enshrouded server.

Step 2: Stop the Server

To ensure any changes to the server configuration file are applied correctly, click the Stop button on the server management panel.

Step 3: Navigate to the Server Files

  1. On the left-hand sidebar, click Server Files.

  2. This will bring up a list of your server files in the main panel.

    Shows the Enshrouded Json File Selected in the File Manager

Step 4: Locate the Configuration File

  1. In the Server Files directory, find the file named enshrouded_server.json.

  2. Select the file and click Edit at the top.

    Shows Editting the Enshrouded Json File in the File Manager

Step 5: Editing Key Server Settings

Once you're in the enshrouded_server.json file, you can modify various server settings. Below is a breakdown of some of the key settings and what they control:

General Settings

  • name: The name of your server as it appears in the server list.

  • saveDirectory: Location where your server's saved data is stored.

  • logDirectory: Directory for storing server logs.

  • ip: IP address for your server. Generally, this should be left as "", which allows the server to listen on all available interfaces.

  • queryPort: The port used for server queries (usually the default is fine).


  "name": "My Custom Enshrouded Server",
  "ip": "",
  "queryPort": 1637

Player Settings

  • playerHealthFactor: Adjusts the amount of health players have. Default is 1 (normal health).

  • playerStaminaFactor: Modifies player stamina levels. Default is 1 (normal stamina).

  • playerHungerToStarving: Controls how long it takes before a player starts starving. Increasing this value will give players more time before they start losing health from hunger.


  "playerHealthFactor": 1,
  "playerStaminaFactor": 1,
  "playerHungerToStarving": 60000000000

World and Game Settings

  • tombstoneMode: Determines what happens when a player dies. AddBackpackMaterials will spawn a tombstone containing the player's items upon death.

  • dayTimeDuration: Duration of the in-game day, in milliseconds. For example, 1800000000 represents a long day.

  • nightTimeDuration: Duration of the in-game night, in milliseconds.


  "tombstoneMode": "AddBackpackMaterials",
  "dayTimeDuration": 1800000000,
  "nightTimeDuration": 720000000

Enemy Settings

  • enemyHealthFactor: Changes the amount of health enemies have.

  • enemyDamageFactor: Modifies the amount of damage enemies deal.

  • enemyAggroRange: Sets how far enemies can detect and attack players. Default is "Normal", but you can increase or decrease this value based on how challenging you want combat to be.


  "enemyHealthFactor": 1,
  "enemyDamageFactor": 1,
  "enemyAggroRange": "Normal"

Resource Settings

  • miningDamageFactor: Adjusts how much damage tools do to resources like rocks and trees.

  • plantGrowthSpeedFactor: Controls the growth rate of plants in the game.

  • resourceDropStackAmountFactor: Changes how many resources drop when players gather them.


  "miningDamageFactor": 1,
  "plantGrowthSpeedFactor": 1,
  "resourceDropStackAmountFactor": 1

Step 6: Save Your Changes and Start Your Server

  1. After editing the desired settings, click Save at the top-right of the editor.

  2. Press the Start button to launch your server with the new settings applied.

Additional Tips

  • Backup Your Config Files: It’s a good idea to download a backup of your enshrouded_server.json file before making any edits, just in case you want to revert to previous settings.

  • Test Changes Incrementally: After making major changes, it’s recommended to test the server to ensure everything is working as expected. If an error occurs, recheck the configuration to ensure there are no formatting or syntax issues.


By following this guide, you’ll be able to easily configure the various settings for your Enshrouded server. Customizing player stats, enemy behaviors, and game world mechanics can make your server a unique experience for you and your friends.

If you encounter any issues or have more specific questions, feel free to contact Nodecraft support for additional assistance.

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