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Support / ARK: Survival Evolved / How to Quickly Find and Join Your Ark: Survival Evolved Server

How to Quickly Find and Join Your Ark: Survival Evolved Server

To quickly find and join your Ark: Survival Evolved server, you can use a feature that is part of the Steam game launcher.

Go to the menu in the very upper left hand corner of the Steam window.

A partial view of the Steam control panel, showing the

A small menu pops up, and click "servers" on that menu.

A partial view of a menu in Steam, featuring the servers option

This window below will appear. Click the "add a server" button near the lower right corner.

A view of the add a server window in steam

That will make a smaller window appear, and enter the IP address of your server there, and save it.

A view of the Steam add server dialog box for entering the server IP address

If the server is running, it should now appear in the center section of the Steam server window.

A view of the Steam server listing box showing a correctly added server

Click on that server listing, and you can now join the server through Steam.

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