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Creating a server.cfg File for your Team Fortress 2 Server

The server.cfg file on a Team Fortress 2 server can be used to store custom settings you want to use on your server.

Creating the File

This file does not exist on a freshly installed or deployed server, as it's not available by default from Steam. The Nodecraft Pro panel automatically creates this files once you have adjusted and submitted your Game Settings.

Nodecraft Pro panel's Game Settings for Team Fortress 2The server.cfg can also be manually created in your Server Files within /tf/cfg. You can create the file with any simple text editor and upload it to the server, or you can use the "New File" button on the Server Files panel.

Settings and Convars

Each setting included will be loaded before a new map loads. This assures security settings are set with every map change.

The best source of information on the settings that can be included inside the server.cfg file is the server itself. In your Server Console enter the command cvarlist log cvarlist.txt to generate a file containing all available setting Convars and commands. This will be within the /tf folder. We recommend using the panel's CTRL F search feature to locate desired settings.

Example of Team Fortress 2's cvarlist command showing settings, convars, and commands for the dedicated serverInside the server.cfg, any line that starts with double slashes (// ), is a comment line. Nothing after the // will be read by the game, or acted on. This can be useful for leaving notes about why certain convars have been added.

Move the File

Once you have finished modifying all of the settings you'd like, move the completed server.cfg file to the /tf2/cfg directory in your Server Files. It should automatically be read by the game on the next server startup

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