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Support / Eco / How to Quickly Find and Join your Eco Server In-Game
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How to Quickly Find and Join your Eco Server In-Game

This guide will show you how to quickly find and join your Eco server.

Find Your Server By Name

Set Your Server Name

We highly recommend that you change the default name for your new Eco server, in order to make it easier to find in the game listings. You can do that directly on the Nodecraft control panel, by going to the "Game Settings" section of the control panel.

A view of the Nodecraft control panel for the game settings section of Eco, showing the server name being set

Enter your server name in the "Server Name" field, and then save the changes at the bottom of the screen.

Start up Eco

Start up the Eco game client, and wait for the main title screen to appear. Then click on the "New Game" option.

A view of the main title screen for the game Eco, with the New Game option highlighted

Click on the "Browse All" button

The "New Game" button opens up the "Recommended" server listings, which appear on several tabs. The game decides which servers appear in the "Recommended" listings, according to a set of criteria such as title, completeness of description, etc.

To see a full listing of servers, click on the "Browse All" button in the upper right corner. There you can search for servers by name.

A view of the Beginner game listings, with the Browse All button highlighted

Click on "Search" Icon

When the server listings appear, click on the small green "Search" icon (it looks like a magnifying glass), as highlighted in the screenshot below:

A view of the Browse All server listings for the game Eco, with the Search button highlighted

This will open a small search window in the center of the screen, and simply enter the name you chose for your server, and then click the green "Search" button.

A view of the server search window for the game Eco

Select Your Server, and Click "Join"

A view of a single server being displayed after searching for it by name, in the game Eco

If successful, your server name will appear on the left side of the screen. Click on your server name. This will cause details about the server to appear on the right side of the screen, and in the bottom right corner, you will see a green "Join" button.

Once you click "Join", you will see information about the server maps being downloaded, and you will appear in game!

Join by IP Address

You can also find and join your server by using the IP address. Click on the "Your Worlds" option on the main title screen for the game.

When this following screen appears, click on the green button with the white plus sign on it, as shown in the screenshot below:

A view of the Your Worlds server listings for the game Eco, showing the button for entering an IP address directly

This button opens up a small window in the center of the screen, where you can enter the IP address and port number for a server directly. Then just click the "Join" button.

A view of the window for entering an IP address directly for the game Eco.

  • You can find the IP address for your Nodecraft server by looking on the "Overview" tab of your control panel.

  • The server port for the game Eco is 3000.

  • Separate the IP address and the port with a colon (:).

Rejoining Your Server in the Future

Once you've actually played on a server, you can skip all of these steps, and simply click on the "Your Worlds" option of the main title screen. There you will see any servers you've played on recently listed. Simply click on one to select it, and then right side of the screen will fill in with details.

Then click the "Join" button to go to your server!

A view of the Your Worlds server listings, showing a recently played on server that can be quickly rejoined.

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