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Uploading an Existing World to your Minecraft Server

Uploading a singleplayer world to a Minecraft server allows you to continue your gaming experience with friends or a larger community. In this guide we will show you how to upload singleplayer worlds onto any server!

Worlds from Minecraft Version 1.9 and above

Finding the files for worlds in version 1.9 of Minecraft or higher is much easier compared to older versions. First you will need navigate the world selection screen like below. Then select the world you want to upload and click on the Edit button at the bottom of your screen.

Image highlighting the Edit button in the Minecraft world selection menuNext you should see something similar to the screen below. From here you will be opening the folder containing your world so that you can upload it to the server.

Image highlighting the Open World Folder button in MinecraftYou should now see the files for your world. We will be selecting all of the files and folders within the world folder and adding them to a zip file. We recommend using 7zip to create a zip file for uploading. It should look like the image below when creating the zip file
Screenshot showing how to create a zip file of a Minecraft worldOnce you have created the zip file, navigate to your server's main directory using the Server Files tab and create a folder named world. If you wish to call the world folder something else, make sure to specify the name in your file or using the Game Settings tab.

Screenshot showing how to create a world folder on a Minecraft server using Nodecraft Pro

Additional Considerations and Troubleshooting

  • World Compatibility: Ensure that the version of Minecraft you used to create the world is compatible with the server's version.

  • World Name: If you want to change the name of the world on the server, you can rename the world folder.

  • Corrupted World: If the world doesn't load properly on the server, it might be corrupted. Try repairing the world using the Minecraft launcher.

  • Permission Issues: If you're unable to access or modify the world folder, check your server's permissions settings.

  • Plugin Conflicts: Conflicts between plugins can sometimes cause issues with uploaded worlds. Try disabling plugins one by one to identify the culprit.

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