It's been a minute since the last NodePanel update. Our growing team has been hard at work at what turned into one one of the biggest back-end updates we've had since the launch of NodePanel v2. For many customers, this update has been activated for nearly a month for live testing. We targeted roughly 15% of our customerbase for testing to ensure that an infrastructural change of this magnitude doesn't affect any game servers hosted at Nodecraft.
What does this mean for server owners?
This update doesn't bring many obvious features for most server owners., but should improve stability, performance, and overall usability of the network. For example, you no longer have to open specific ports for mods, plugins, or when you change your server port. Most importantly, this update provides our dev team some of the much needed infrastructure to bring you some really cool features, coming very soon:
Portable IPs: Archiving and re-deploying your server won't mean your IP address has to change
Webserver redirect: When someone visits your IP address or hostname on the web, they can be redirected to any website you set
Firewall management: Block or accept players to your server by IP address
Super Secret Project A: Check the changelog for more details when this launches
[MOD] Networking overhaul. Our devops and dev team completely rebuilt several core internals to how our game server's networking is implemented. For most customers this will be a transparent change, but should dramatically improve network performance, remove port management and fix a number of specific IP address related issues with games, including:
Eco - The default webserver failed to work in-game
ARK: Survival Evolved - Game Server not always showing up in the in-game list
CS:GO - Game Server not always showing up in the in-game list
CS:S - Game Server not always showing up in the in-game list
Don't Starve Together - Game Server not always showing up in the in-game list
Garry's Mod - Game Server not always showing up in the in-game list
Rust - Game Server not always showing up in the in-game list
TF2 - Game Server not always showing up in the in-game list
[REMOVE] All port management has been pulled from NodePanel. You no longer need to worry about these settings; our bots do ALL the work for you.
[FIX] Game Servers would report as offline, despite being online and running. This was due to the server query being unreliable. NodePanel now uses a distributed query system that checks your server from multiple different servers, datacenters, and regions.
[FIX] Dedicated Server customers can now deploy any instance to their dedicated server without first setting the region to match the location of their dedicated server.
[FIX] Resolved issue where paused automated tasks would not start running when unpaused. Really this time, we promise.
[FIX] [ECO] Resolved the Swashbuckle Error for the webserver.
[FIX] [Garry's Mod] Improved detection where the Steam Auth Token wasn't present or expired. Game servers now automatically shut down as they are unplayable.
[FIX] [Minecraft: Bedrock Edition] Extended support for the player join event to support the latest release.
[CONFIG] [Avorion] Added more server settings! The server difficulty, save interval, collision damage, and more can now be configured from the control panel.
[CONFIG] [Conan Exiles] The server name is now set correctly. No more confusion when your players are trying to join!
[CONFIG] [CS:GO] Added support for a Steam Web API key. This allows the server to support workshop maps.
[CONFIG] [Don't Starve Together] Added even more server settings!
[CONFIG] [Garry's Mod] Workshop selection UI. This now behaves a little better when managing a workshop collection.
[CONFIG] [Insurgency: Sandstorm] Our control panel now supports a wide array of configuration options for Insurgency Sandstorm, including the map, scenario, and more!
[CONFIG] [Starbound] Configuration options in the control panel have been greatly improved. You can now change admin settings, set the server name and a whole lot more!
What have you created with Nodecraft?
We want to hear from you and get to know what you've built using Nodecraft! Drop into the official Nodecraft Discord server and let us know!