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NodePanel 2 Update 0.7.0

We've added one of the most requested features with NodePanel 2 today: sub-user permissions! This new permission system completely overhauls NodePanel to provide very fine-grain access control. For now, we've restricted most of its features to match that of NodePanel 1. More advanced users will soon be able to define JSON-based permission nodes to any user. This new system also provides a framework for us to work on a feature which we hope makes it to Nodepanel 2 soon; Groups/Teams/Guilds/Families/Clans. You'll be able to define a list of users to a group, define their permissions as a whole, and a few more features we can't quite share just yet. Look forward to more NodePanel 2 Beta updates next week!

  • [ADD] Permissions UI - users can now assign various permissions to sub-users

  • [MOD] Reduce instances javascript bundle by ~1.5MiB

  • [FIX] Fixed ajax loop when user auth failed

  • [FIX] Fixed API requests killing user auth when starting up

  • [FIX] Default ports would sometimes not be applied on instance deployment

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